Thursday, January 10, 2013

Just go straight

I was reading a nice jodan compilation ( and I found this at the end:

"Advice from a japanese 5.dan jodan sensei
"Yes, there are different types of one-hand men. As far as I know, more than 5. On training of men, we have to pay much attention to movements of left hand. If your left hand goes just forward, so your men is big men, on the contrary, if your hand goes down and up, your men is small men. If your hand goes like punch of boxing, it's a professional men.
Sure, there is one-hand kote men, and it must be a good exercise for your tenouchi. But actually it is not available in tournaments.
Concerning to one-hand kote, also there are many many types in modern kendo. First of all, straight kote, secondly "S" kote, thirdly "C" kote, fourthly "90 degree" kote. They are just typical ones. In any case when you practice one-hand kote, don't go left, just go straight. If you go left, you can see your partner's kote very easily. However I believe, that your purpose in Kendo is not victory, but self development. For that purpose, strong spirit "ki" or "kiai" are necessary. If you go foward with strong spirit, automatically your partner's kote will be opened, and you can strike. I want to say again, that ourr purpose is not getting effective ippon, but getting stronger and quiet spirit and mind in order to be better man. Just go straight." S. T-K."

I think it applies to learning chudan too. I tend to try to out move the opponent in jigeiko, but what I really should do is go straight through him/her. Just go straight. Simple as that.

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